This is the sixteenth patch made for the National 9/11 Flag restoration project. The National 9/11 Flag was brought to Littleton, Colorado on April 13, 2011 for a display and stitching ceremony at Columbine High School.
The Colorado patch was made from two retired flags. One was donated by the Jeffco Public School system in Littleton, Colorado and flew at Leawood Elementary School which is a school that feeds students into Columbine High School. The other flag flew over the Education Center from October, 2010 through April of 2011. The patch was made by cutting out several white stripes from the two donated flags. The patch is 7 inches high by 11.5 inches long. It was sewn into an area on the sixth stripe (white ) located in the middle of the 9/11 Flag.
The patch was sewn by 134 people during the ceremony including the State Adj General; the Principle of Columbine (who was the principle during the shooting) and the School Supertendent. The remains of the two flags used in making the patch have been retuned to the donors.
Members of the National 9/11 Flag Team included Denny and Carolyn Deters, Wendy Hauser and FDNY Firefighters Jimmy Sands and Jack Walis.
The location of the Colorado Patch is outlined on the picture below.