(Nominated by Takara Smith)
Huntsville Jaycees Building
July 27, 2011
Edwin N. Smith of Harvest, AL is a local hero in my opinion. He’s constantly going out of his way for people and does it with the upmost respect and out of the kindness of his heart. He’s a manager at the local Best Buy store in Huntsville, Al and anyone who works there can tell you that he’s is a perfect gentleman and somewhat a father figure. He’s always giving back to the community in whatever ways he can. Edwin N. Smith is my hero and I’m proud to call him my father. He’s accomplished so much and has motivated me as well as others in ways he probably doesn’t even understand. He’s a hero not because he’s saved lives or fought fires or is a war veteran; he’s a hero because it takes a true hero to put up with life’s trials and tribulations while maintaining a humble spirit and a heart-warming smile.