North Dakota Stories

Robert Arso, Bismarck

(Nominated by Teri Arso)
State Capitol Building in Bismarck
August 12, 2011

Robert Arso came to North Dakota via the U.S. Air Force and was stationed at Minot Air Force Base.  He was a member of the North Dakota National Guard, serving as a Battalion Command Sergeant Major and acting Brigade Commander Sergeant Major for the 818th Medical Battalion in Operation Desert Storm. He has been teaching electronic technology since 1969 and currently holds the title of Department Chair, Professor of Electronics/Telecommunications Technology at Bismarck State College. I chose to nominate my dad, Robert Arso and think he should be given the privilege of stitching the National 9/11 Flag because of his accomplishments in the military and educational arenas.  For the past 30 plus years he has shared his knowledge with the students at Bismarck State College in an effort to stitch together productive individuals with careers that will help them build productive lives and be good citizens.