North Carolina Stories

Otis Ray Holmes, Southport

(Nominated by Danielle Fisher)
Southport Baptist Church Christian Ministry Center
July 4, 2011

“PaPa” Ray is a jovial, kind and helpful person. He has done a lot for our new little family including building us a beautiful house. But honestly, he needs to be remembered for more than helping us build a house. He is a marine! I knew Ray had served in the marines, but until I shared the news that my sister was joining the Air Force, and was leaving for OCS in a couple of months, I did not know he had served in Viet Nam. I don’t know what Ray did or what the orders for his platoon were, but I know that he is still a marine to this day, and he loves this country.  He has not once forgotten to ask about my sister’s orders and to see how she is doing. As you know, there are thousands of heroes in the country and abroad, my sister included. This man is just one that has impacted our lives and the lives of others in our community.