Montana Stories

Helen Dawson, Helena

(Nominated by Mary Noel)
The State Capitol Building
August 2, 2011

 Helen Dawson is a 92-year-old WWII Navy Veteran. She was instrumental in gathering names of Montana women veterans for the Women in Military Service for America Memorial in Washington DC. Helen still volunteers weekly at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Fort Harrison, Montana. She has logged thousands of hours as a volunteer for fellow veterans at this facility. She also volunteers weekly at the Montana Military Museum. Helen’s community volunteer activities include work at her church and with the American Red Cross. Helen quietly goes about her volunteer activities each day and acknowledges that her service to others truly keeps her young and in good health. Honoring Helen with the privilege of stitching The National 9/11 Flag when the Flag comes to Helena, Montana, will show community and national appreciation for Helen’s decades of service.