ALEX BALLESTEROS, 9/11 Pentagon Survivor
March 13, 2011
Alex Ballesteros was at the Pentagon on 9/11. In fact, it was his command’s office that the plane came crashing through. Moments before the attach on the Pentagon, he was standing in the same spot speaking with friends, co-workers, and shipmates. As soon as he walked out of the building he heard the sound and knew. Just moments before the hit he got a glimpse of the plane’s tail. At a ceremony on the one year anniversary of the attack, a memorial plaque was unveiled designed by Navy Database Administrator Alex Ballesteros. It featured the names of all 42 victims emblazoned over a map of the United States. The seals of the CNO and DON are adorned on either side, with the title, ‘Fallen But Not Forgotten’ written across the top. A portion of the Navy Hymn is featured directly below the names, flanked by the seals of the commands represented in the operations center and a design featuring an eagle on top of a picture of the Pentagon. Forty-two stars serve as the border for the upper and lower portions of the plaque. He contacted us in hope of getting to see the flag and even getting to stitch saying that it would be a healing and an honor to do this.